Images for the Soul
WRENTHAM, MA | 774-847-5596 | EMAIL US
WE HAVE MOVED AGAIN! We are still in the Wrentham Outlets only now next to Lululemon #192.
Erica Hopper

Erica Hopper was born in Kansas City, Missouri, studied graphic and industrial design at San Diego State University, and continued her art education at the University of The Americas in Puebla, Mexico.
During the 70's and 80's she was a successful illustrator with many published works in national periodicals. Today, Hopper concentrates on oil media and textile design. It is clear that one influences the other, by the rhythm and texture found in her paintings.
Hopper's paintings are compelling and abstractly interpretive. She creates delicately modulated surfaces with subtle imagery. Her color use is strong, yet positioned to create a quiet contemplation and colorful vivaciousness. While she develops figurative images with color washes and markings that are clearly defined, the edges leave an openness for imaginative completion.